Grants for the Translation of World Classics


Grants for the Translation of World Classics was established to encourage better reception to outstanding works of foreign literature by introducing superior quality classics and modern works from other countries. The goal of the grants aims to improve the quality of literary works translated into Korean, expanding the exchange between Korean literature and world literature. The Foundation received new applications for superior works targeted for translation according to language, a list which the Foundation modifies every year. The list included in the targeted works for translation must, of course, exhibit intrinsic literary value, and the Foundation took into ample consideration readers' demands, as well as the work's relevance.
The screening process selected a total of eleven works from eight different languages, including one work in English, Migyeong Lee's translation of North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell, two French works, two German works, one Russian work, one Italian work, two Chinese works, one Japanese work, and one Swedish work. Grant winners were awarded between 5 and 9 million KRW and a certificate of funding, and the completed translations will be published by the Moonji Publishing Company under the name the Daesan World Literature Series and offered to the general public.
In 2010, nine books that received funding were published by the Moonji Publishing Company under the name the Daesan World Literature Series. Il Fu Mattia Pascal (The Late Mattia Pascal) was the hundredth book published in December 2010.
In a time when famous works are republished out of order or only commercially successful works are published, the Daesan Series, which had as its mission discovering hidden masterpieces, introduced Korean readers to 81 books from 21 countries in 16 languages, selecting as a rule completed translations regardless of the size, direct translations from the original language, and works translated for the first time domestically. Furthermore, eighty percent of these works were introduced to Korean readers for the first time and all of them were translated directly from the respective language.
Under this clear criterion, people have lauded the Daesan Series, which has made significant progress for ten years, for bringing readers a wide variety of literary experiences by translating and publishing profound literary works from a wide array of fields, regions, and languages into Korean, as well as developing the foundation of translation publications, fostering quality and the volume of works. Furthermore, the Daesan World Literature Series has been highly regarded for breaking free from the framework of world literature defined by modern Japan, created through our own viewpoint and organizing abilities.